Facts on Fake Fulvic

Fulvic Acid can be the difference between higher yields and lackluster buds, so it’s important to prioritize it in your grow.
But with a plethora of fake products on the market it can be hard to sort out the real and fake when it comes to Fulvic Acid. That’s why we’ve provided a how to guide to sort it all out.
What is Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic Acid is a naturally occurring compound found in soils and compost, and is the direct result of decomposition.
The reason it’s invaluable is that it binds metallic based nutrients and helps them enter the root system.
So basically, it speeds up getting nutrients to your plants, which in turn creates numerous benefits such as growth and faster recovery for underwatered plants.
How does it do this?
Fulvic acid's molecular weight is lower than other humates, like Humic Acid, which allows it to travel faster.
This boost in speed makes it particularly efficient in delivering nutrients across the membrane of your plant, which is why you can even use it as a foliar spray.
Benefits of Fulvic Acid
- Helps increase nutrient uptake.
- Eliminates waste from the plant.
- Helps in underwatering situations.
- Increases resilience to temperature fluctuations.
So now that we know what Fulvic Acid is and what the benefits are…
How can you tell if your nutrients have real or fake Fulvic?
Look at the percentages of Fulvic Acid being guaranteed. If the numbers are miniscule, it is likely genuine. But high numbers would likely contain fake Fulvic.
The reason for this is because in the process of extracting Fulvic Acid, typically only a small percentage is actually Fulvic. So if the numbers are high, chances are they’ve added a cheap byproduct like Lignosulfonates.

Lignosulfonates are essentially waste that can be used as an additive in concrete. They contain many of the same chemical properties of Fulvic Acid but offer none of the same benefits.
If you’re feeling unsure about the Fulvic claims of your product, ask the manufacturer for analytical data to support their claims.
But only trust data from tests using the AOAC or CDFA methods, as many companies will try to deceive you with the traditional testing method - Colorimetric Test - which is unable to distinguish between real and fake Fulvic.
Figuring out whether the Fulvic Acid in your additive is legitimate or not can be a bit intimidating in the beginning, but if you go with the suggested tips above trust that your plants will be rewarding you in no time.
And if you feel like going from chemical filler to filling out your buds, Future Harvest’s, Royal Gold, provides tremendous nutrient uptake, at 0.1% Fulvic Acid, that you can trust is backed by chemical analysis.