What are microgreens? How do I plant them? Where can I find the seeds? Read on as we answer these questions and more.
What are microgreens?
Microgreens are extremely young plants that are harvested shortly after poking through the soil. I am not someone who jumps onto bandwagons easily, however these are just too great not to climb on board! If done correctly, microgreens are cheap, easy, and delicious. They are a great potential fresh vegetable source for areas with a short growing season. We’ll get right to it, here is the way Future Harvest recommends you grow microgreens.
The Future Harvest Microgreen Method: In 10 easy steps!
Necessary tools
- Two 1020 trays (one with holes and one without)
- Biodegradable paper towels
- Peat or Coco based growing medium (it should have some perlite and vermiculite in the mix)
Future Harvest Holland Secret 3-Part Fertilizer
Future Harvest Holland Secret Collection
- Start out with the two 1020 trays (these are the trays bedding plants typically come in). Set the one without holes aside, as you'll only be working with the one with holes for now.
- Take your paper towels and cut a piece to fit onto the bottom of the tray. Place it into the tray and dampen with water.
- Dampen your growing medium
- Fill the tray about 2.5 to 3cm (about an inch) deep with growing medium
- Sprinkle seeds onto the medium. They should be applied very generously with most almost touching one another depending on the size of the seeds. Getting a feel for the ideal rate will take some practice so don’t worry if it’s not perfect the first time.
- Sprinkle a second layer of growing medium over the seeds, just covering them (about ½ cm or 1/10 inch)
- Put the finished tray into the second tray (the one without holes)
Mix up your Holland Secret 3-Part Fertilizer. Use at a rate of 1.5 mL of each the Grow, Micro, and Bloom in 4 liters of water. Ideally the pH should be adjusted to 5.8 - 6.2
- Add 2 cups of nutrient solution to the bottom tray and let the moisture soak into the growing medium. (For best results put the trays under a humidity dome and the finished tray under compact fluorescent lights).
- Monitor moisture levels and add more nutrient solution as needed
That’s it! Your plants should be ready to harvest in 7-10 days after seeding. It’s best to compost your used growing medium as it will be completely full of roots and difficult to use for another round of microgreens.
Note: Most plants could be grown without fertilizer, however, they will grow very slowly as roughly twice the time will be needed. Additionally, the plants grown with fertilizer will have a higher mineral content (Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron).
Note: We recommend being careful with using organic fertilizers as they can use animal waste which can potentially contaminate the microgreens with pathogens like Salmonella or E. coli.
Where Can I Find Seeds?
Buying Cheap Seeds
There are a lot of good reputable seed companies online who will be able to provide high germination rates and many different varieties, however it is possible to save a lot of money on a few core types of seeds. Bulk food stores sell a number of seeds which could be used such as wheat (wheat grass) or sunflowers, and spices like dill, mustard, cumin, or coriander (cilantro) are also good options for fresh herbs. We recommend only purchasing a small amount the first time as they are not guaranteed to germinate. If you have success with them, you can go back and buy a larger amount. Don't be afraid to experiment with what's available as these are only a few suggestions.
Good luck! And remember you can always reach out to @futureharvestdevelopments on instagram if you have any questions or need advice.
Hi Fershteh,
There is no “main microgreen” as everyone can choose to grow whichever is most suitable for themselves. However, here is a list of popular microgreens to grow: Peas, Sunflower, Radish, Broccoli, Kale, Arugula, Mustard, Kohlrabi, Cabbage, Cilantro.
What is the main microgreen seed?
Hi Aida,
Our Holland Secret Tri-Pack’s ingredient list can be found below. Hope this helps & have a great day!
Holland Secret Micro
Derived from: Calcium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Cobalt Nitrate, Copper Nitrate, Zinc Nitrate, Boric Acid, Sodium Molybdate, Iron EDTA, Iron DPTA.
Holland Secret Grow
Derived from: Potassium Phosphate Monobasic, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Nitrate, Ammonium Sulfate.
Holland Secret Bloom
Derived from: Potassium Phosphate Monobasic, Magnesium Sulfate.
Hi, is there an ingredient list to the fertilizers for the micro greens?