A Guide to Future Harvest Base Nutrients

The first thing you need to understand is there are 12 essential nutrients plants need to survive. Click HERE to read about the 12 essential plant nutrients.
Here at Future Harvest we have 2 different feeding programs, both of which will offer all 12 essential nutrients.
Our feeding programs are: Easy Plus Series (Easy Grow and Easy Bloom), and Holland Secret 3 Part Fertilizer (Micro, Grow, and Bloom).
Easy Plus Series:
Easy Grow+ and Easy Bloom+ are powdered nutrients filled with everything your plants need to grow! They are an all in 1 formula, containing all 12 essential plant nutrients and sugars.
How To Use:
- Add water, stir thoroughly, and feed your plants!
- Follow the Application Guide (CLICK HERE) for easy measurements.
For the Easy Plus Feeding Program - CLICK HERE
For our Easy Plus Grow Guide - CLICK HERE
Pros of using the Easy Plus Series:
- Easy to use 1 step program
- pH stable (Automatically pH’s between 6.3-6.5)
- Suitable for both growing in coco and soil
- Powdered nutrients cannot freeze so you don’t have to worry about their storage temperature
Cons of using the Easy Plus Series:
- Cannot be used for hydroponics
- Powdered nutrients can be harder to mix into water
- Paying for convenience: not as cost effective compared to more complex fertilizer programs

Holland Secret 3 Part Fertilizer:
Our Holland Secret 3 Part Fertilizer consists of the Micro, Grow, and Bloom. All three nutrients are used together during the plant's growth. While the plant is in the vegetative stage, Grow will be used in a higher concentration along with Micro, and Bloom. While the plant is in the flowering stage, Bloom will be used in a higher concentration with Micro and Grow. They contain all 12 essential nutrients so your plant doesn’t need any additives to grow successfully.
How to Use:
- Measure, mix, and feed your plants!
For the Holland Secret 3-Part Soil & Coco Feeding Program - CLICK HERE
For the Holland Secret 3-Part Hydroponic Feeding Program - CLICK HERE
Pros of using Holland Secret 3-Part Fertilizer:
- It can be used stand-alone as a complete feed program
- Cheaper than the Easy Plus Series
- Comes in liquid form, making it easier to measure out and use
- Can be used in any grow medium: soil, coco, or hydroponic
- Automatically buffers pH
Cons of using Holland Secret 3-Part Fertilizer:
- Since the ratios of the 3 fertilizers change every week, using this program is a bit more complicated than the Easy Plus Series
- Nutrients are liquid meaning they can freeze if not stored at the correct temperature
- Have to use all 3 in conjunction with one another
Hi Hal,
You can find all our product labels with ingredient information at the bottom of our “Downloads” page. Please feel free to reach out again if you have any further questions & happy growing!
Hi, I can’t find a product label listing ingredients anywhere. How about it?
Hi Greg,
So we strongly recommend you mix the nutrients each time you feed because otherwise you run the risk of contamination, nutrient dilution and a variety of other problems.
If you have to mix and store, make sure it’s in a dark, cool area, and that the mix is properly sealed and don’t let it sit for longer than 2 weeks. From there just monitor your plants and if they react well, then you’re all good, or if you feel like you see deficiencies simply go back to mixing each time.
Thanks for the question and have a marvelous day!
Question: can i premix my nutrients together (micro, grow, bloom)for future use, instead of mixing as needed on the day of use?
Hi Terry,
Thanks for reaching out.
In regards to your question, there’s no hard-set rule for how many times you feed in a week as each grow is it’s own thing.
For instance, larger pots generally don’t need watering as often, so if you were only watering once a week then you’d want to feed it nutrients at that same time.
A lot of people propose adding nutrients each time you water (excluding when you flush your plant) because it provides a consistent supply of nutrients, so it’s something to consider.
Regardless of the amount of times, we recommend 2 feeds 1 flush – so in your case, you could space out the nutrient dosage for one week over two feedings and then flush with pH water.
Here’s a link to a blog article that helps with reading feed schedules: https://futureharvest.com/blogs/articles/how-to-read-a-feed-schedule
Hope this helped and have a great day,
Sorry for lengthy message. Bought grow and flower box and downloaded feeding guide. Seems like a lot of chemicals to give a plant weekly. I am wondering do i feed the plants the nutrients everyday that I water or do I feed the nutrients once a week and ph’d water the other days as needed based on every other day feeding ?? Like each week has different numbers which is understandable but do I give the nutrients everytime I feed the plant. FYI – I am growing in soil thank you for your time and look forward to your answer
Hi Brad!
Yes, Bud Boom should be used in conjunction with Holland Secret Bloom. Bud Boom should be used in the 2-3 weeks (week 6-8 of flowering) before your flush period. I’ve attached a link to our downloads page which features feed schedules: https://futureharvest.com/pages/downloads
It should help clear up any issues you have.
Can I use bud boom with the three-part nutrient solution during the late stages of Bloom?
Hi Ryan. Yes, we recommend following a feed, feed, flush rotation with your normal feeding schedule. Not all plants will have to be watered every day, so it will depend on your grow how often this is being done. Tap water is fine, we recommend keeping your pH between 5.8 and 6.2. Holland Secret is pH buffered so limited pH adjusting will be needed if you are only using Holland Secret. Other factors and additional additives can cause your pH to change.
Hi Steve, Holland Secret Micro, Grow, and Bloom are a three-part meant to be used together in different concentrations throughout your grow. Each part is essential. Your plant could suffer deficiencies or nutrient lockout if only 1 part is used.
For cannabis can I use only the liquid Bloom (0-6-4) from week 6 on, or is it only supposed to be used together with the other 2 parts? Thx in advance
I noticed on the instructions it says to feed twice then flush with ph adjusted water. Do i do this on my normal feeding schedule? (Currently every 2 days) Also, i use water tap water i allow to dechlorinate then use distrilled vinegar to drop is from 6.2-6.5 PH, is this fine for the flush after 2 feedings? I dont have soil test kit, but from reviews i’ve read the Holland Secret line is good for not messing with the PH
Hi Dave, it should be fine to use, but we’ve never properly tested it in foliar. Start off light only spraying a couple of leaves. If they look healthy the following day then go ahead and spray everything.
Hey. Just wondering if I can put the easy grow in a spray bottle and spray it directly on the leaves. I’m growing hot peppers
Hi Neil!
We use a 500 scale for PPMs.
Happy growing.
Hi i was wondering what ppm scale to use for feeding? Thanks in advance.