A Guide to Future Harvest's Additives

New to growing? New to additives? New to our products? Take a look! 

By Future Harvest
4 min read

A Guide to Future Harvest's Additives - Future Harvest

New to growing? New to additives? New to our products?

Take a look! 

Future Harvest offers 13 additional additives to introduce into your feeding program to maximize growth and yield. We also offer pH Up and Down, along with a plant flush.

Here we’ll go over a basic overview of our additives and how to use them!

For an intro to our nutrient lines CLICK HERE

An Intro to Future Harvest Additives:

First you have to decide if you want to go with powder or liquid. 
Both have pros and cons.
We offer more of our additives in liquid form as they are easier to use. However, powder additives are more cost effective.


powder additives


Powdered Supplement Pros and Cons


  • Economical
  • Cannot freeze in winter: don’t have to worry about storage temperature 
  • A little goes a long way 


  • Harder to mix with water
  • Limited selection 


Containers of Future Harvest Liquid Additives side by side


Liquid Supplement Pros and Cons


  • Large selection
  • Easy to mix 
  • Easy to work with 


  • Larger containers 
  • Uses up more product than powdered nutrients 


For beginner growers, we recommend using liquid additives. 

We will go over the liquid additives we offer, along with their benefits and how to use them! 


A Guide to Liquid Additives

Container of Future Harvest Super B+ with a caption below it that says 'Plant vitamin supplement'



Super B+: Plant Vitamin Supplement 

  • Encourages larger crop yields
  • Increases general crop health and germination rates
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics 
Use During: Rooting, transplanting, growing, and flowering
Container of Future Harvest Plantacillin with a caption below it that says 'Enzyme Enhancer'



Plantacillin: Enzyme enhancer

  • Promotes a healthy root system
  • Can be used during any stage of plant growth 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics 
Use During: Vegetative stage and flowering 
Container of Future Harvest Prop-O-Gator with a caption below it that says 'Root Stimulator'



Prop-O-Gator: Root stimulator and fertilizer

  • All in one root stimulator and fertilizer
  • Ideal for pretreating pots before transplanting
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics 
Use During: Rotting, growing, and flowering 
Container of Future Harvest Calnesium with a caption below it that says 'Nutrient Additive'



Calnesium: Calcium and magnesium nutrient additive 

  • Increases nutrient, water, and carbon dioxide uptake
  • Increases flower and fruit sets
  • Increases chlorophyll production 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics 
Use During: Rooting, growing, and flowering 
Container of Future Harvest Carbo Blast with a caption below it that says 'Carbohydrate Additive'



Carbo Blast: Carbohydrate additive 

  • Promotes increases oil and fragrance
  • Delivers energy to support larger and fuller fruit and flower production 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics 
Use During: Second week of flowering through to final flushing stage
Container of Future Harvest Organical Magic with a caption below it that says 'Organic Supplement'



Organical Magic: Organic Calcium and Magnesium Supplement 

  • Organic alternative to Calnesium
  • Strengthen plant cells and tissues 
  • Increases flower and fruit sets
  • Increases chlorophyll production 
  • OMRI Organically Certified
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics
Use During: Rooting, growing, and flowering 
Container of Future Harvest Royal Black with a caption below it that says 'Natural Conditioner'


Royal Black: Natural Conditioner

  • Increases chlorophyll production 
  • Increases nutrient uptake so the roots absorb better
  • Promotes healthy soil 
  • Best for pre-treating pots (especially when using coco) 
  • OMRI Organic Certified
Use With: Soil and coco
Use During: Rooting, growing, and flowering 
⠀⠀⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣Container of Future Harvest Royal Gold with a caption below it that says 'Bio Catalyst'



Royal Gold: Flowering Bio Catalyst

  • Increases nutrient uptake
  • A digestive aid for plants
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics
Use During: Rooting, growing, and flowering
Container of Future Harvest Bud Start with a caption below it that says 'Flower Enhancer'



Bud Start: Early Flower Enhancer

  • Helps stabilize pH which assists plants in taking up all the nutrients they require 
  • Increases size and amount of new flower sites 
  • Promotes a more vigorous start to flowering 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics
Use During: Early flowering 
Container of Future Harvest Ton O Bud with a caption below it that says 'Bulk Promotor'



Ton-O-Bud: Bulk Promotor 

  • Packs bulk onto flowers and fruit
  • Promotes higher end yields 
  • Increases flower set 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics
Use During: Mid flowering / Bloom
Container of Future Harvest Bud Boom with a caption below it that says 'Weight Enhancer and Ripener'



Bud Boom: Weight Enhancer and Ripener

  • Floral hardener and finisher
  • Ripens fruit and brings out the tastes and smells
  • Promotes weight gain, increased flower density, and enhanced flavour 
  • Increases yield 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics
Use During: Late flowering / bloom 
Container of Future Harvest Plant Flush with a caption below it that says 'Plant Cleansing Agent'




Plant Flush: Plant cleansing agent 

  • Stops any further nutrient uptake through the roots
  • Promotes a cleaner end product 
Use With: Soil, coco, hydroponics, and aeroponics⁣⁣⁣⁣
Use During: The last 2 weeks of harvest 

We also offer pH Adjusters


Container of Future Harvest Silica Up with a caption below it that says 'pH Up'




Silica Up: pH Up

  • Raises your pH 
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics
Use During: Any stage
Container of Future Harvest Citric Down with a caption below it that says 'pH Down'



Citric Down: pH Down

  • Lowers pH levels
Use With: Soil, coco, and hydroponics 
Use During: Any stage


Any questions about how to use our products? Reach out to @futureharvestdevelopments on Instagram for advice! 

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