Marijuana: Medical Benefits and Treating Conditions

There are many things for which marijuana has been proven as a useful treatment. Read on to learn more about what these conditions are and how marijuana use can address them.

By Future Harvest
5 min read

Marijuana: Medical Benefits and Treating Conditions - Future Harvest

The medical applications of marijuana are impossible to list nowadays. Experts are continually emerging with new ways to use the plant to improve our health and treat ailments we might have.


Marijuana is still a relatively new medicine, and it remains illegal in most countries. For this reason, not all of its reported benefits have the backing of science. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist; it just means scientists haven’t conducted enough research to confirm them.


However, there are many things for which marijuana has been proven as a useful treatment. This includes some of the most common chronic conditions among adults today. Read on to learn more about what these conditions are and how marijuana use can address them.


glass pipe with cannabis in the bowl


Insomnia is a difficulty falling asleep, or remaining asleep once you do. It varies widely in severity; some people report only mild, occasional sleeplessness, while other sufferers can experience chronic loss of sleep for days and weeks on end. One way or another, however, it can disrupt your quality of life.


Luckily, marijuana is a highly effective treatment for insomnia. Because of the calming influence cannabinoids have on the central nervous system, even a small amount of marijuana can make it much easier to stay asleep through the night.


Sometimes, users have to be careful with cannabis dosage when consuming it for medical reasons, as being under its influence might make daily life more difficult. For insomnia, however, this isn’t an issue; assuming the weed works, you’ll fall asleep. This means you don’t have to be too cautious when consuming it to treat insomnia.


If something is getting between you and your night’s sleep, don’t suffer in silence! Visit a dispensary and get yourself something to help you drift off.


woman sleeping on a bed


Chronic Pain

Everyone knows what pain feels like. The difference with chronic pain is that it doesn’t dissipate after a while in the same way as pain from, say, a cut or bruise. Unfortunately, this is a common complaint; in America, around one in five people suffer from chronic pain.


Pain commonly arises from bodily inflammation (nociceptive pain) and nerve damage (neuropathic pain). Marijuana can assist in treating both pain types; it is an effective anti-inflammatory agent and has therapeutic benefits for nerve issues.


Pain management is one of the most common reasons for the prescription of medical marijuana.



Anxiety is the most common mental health problem affecting people today. The condition is usually characterized by a feeling of dread or fear about certain specific things or life in general. Like insomnia, anxiety is often related to central nervous system issues, which means cannabis consumption can fix it.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a variant of anxiety that occurs in people who have been through difficult experiences in life. It is common in war veterans. If you have PTSD, marijuana can be of assistance for you as well.


While marijuana can help to ease anxiety, you should be careful if you’re using it for this purpose. In excessive doses, marijuana can cause paranoia in users; therefore, you could make your anxiety worse rather than better if you get your dosage wrong. With this in mind, you should always start with the smallest effective dose and work your way up from there.

Loss of Appetite

Perhaps the best-renowned effect of marijuana is “the munchies.” Anyone who regularly consumes the plant will be able to tell you about the severe hunger that can descend on them after a blunt or bowl.


This might be an annoyance if you’re trying to keep your weight down. However, if you struggle to maintain a healthy appetite, it could be just what you need.


THC is the main cannabinoid responsible for your increased appetite after smoking, though CBD has a role to play too. This study covers how THC triggers hunger; the paper’s authors found that the compound affects the olfactory bulb in the brain in such a way that your senses of taste and smell become more acute, particularly concerning food. So, if you are looking for some THC delivery products, you can easily get them delivered at your doorstep from reputed brands.


Loss of appetite often occurs as a symptom of some other illness. Cancer patients, for example, often report an inability to consume enough food. Marijuana can be especially useful in situations like this, as proper nutrition is essential for patients to fight such conditions.


vegetable spread


Concentration Issues

Through the traditional “stoner” stereotype, marijuana used to be portrayed as something that caused memory loss and a general fading of mental acuity. However, as we’ve learned more about the plant, it’s become clear that the exact opposite is true. Many people with attention deficit issues have found symptom relief from marijuana.


Scientists believe that the positive effect of marijuana on concentration stems from dopamine regulation. Poor concentration can often be associated with low dopamine; since cannabis consumption releases the brain's neurotransmitter, it can help you stay focused.


You should note, however, that the sensation of being too high is distracting. Therefore, to concentrate properly with marijuana, you’ll need to pay attention to dosage. Consume an amount from which you experience only a slight effect at first, and work your way upward if you feel it’s necessary.


woman staring at a laptop in her bed in the dark


Using Marijuana to Stay Healthy in 2021 & Beyond

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to make marijuana part of your lifestyle if you want to feel good and stay healthy. The plant is no longer considered a harmful drug; its potential as a healthcare supplement becomes more obvious every day.


This blog was guest written by Crystal Willson. 


Crystal Willson is a full-time content marketing specialist. She has been closely monitoring the cannabis industry trends for quite some time. She has worked in various domains before the cannabis industry. On her off days, she likes to spend her time with her family, lift weights, and reading novels.



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